Apple’s Planet of the Apps rising, here’s how it will go down

When Apple was rumored to be getting into the original video content biz, few probably expected it would take this form. Even when the title “Planet of the Apps” was dropped, raising not a few eyebrows. And yet here it is, Planet of the Apps in all its glory. Or rather, it’s still coming in Spring, but Apple is already giving everyone a sneak peek at the first season. It’s The Apprentice meets The Voice. For your apps, of course.
The world doesn’t have enough “reality” shows, so what’s the harm in putting out another one? Rather than a TV series highlighting the latest apps and mobile trends, ala the TWiT network, Planet of the Apps is a chance for aspiring app developers to make it big in the cutthroat mobile apps industry. To do that, they first have to make a pitch.

The show takes the popular term “elevator pitch” and gives it a “unique” twist. Here it’s called “escalator pitch”, because you do exactly that. You literally make a pitch while riding down an escalator. It’s really just a gimmick to make you feel both the adrenaline (and the nausea, if you have motion sickness) in trying to sell your app within 60 seconds.

And who do you sell it to? Why four of the biggest names today, of course.’s, The Honest Co.’s Jessica Alba, Goop’s Gywneth Paltrow, and Vayner Media’s Gary Vaynerchuk. Yes, it’s a star-studded cast of judges. Those who survive the intense scrutiny of these experts will get the chance to choose which of them becomes their adviser in bringing their idea to life and to the iTunes App Store.

Aside from their 15 minutes (definitely more) of fame, the winners will have their app enthroned in Apple’s app store, which, considering the congested state of the marketplace, is no small matter. It sill remains to be seen, however, if the show itself will be able to survive the intense, often merciless, scrutiny of the public. It will, at least, be available for everyone to watch, for free, and without ads.

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