This Smartwatch Tells You Hours You Spend With Your Friends

 Thanks  to the Tottori West Family Time Watch, you no longer have to play the guessing game on how horrible of an empty shell of a person you have become - the watch can give you an exact verdict, by measuring how much time you spend with your friends .

Yes, all it takes for the smart wearable to function is a smartphone on your end and a beacon for your children, parents or even pets. We can only presume a collar mounting system fits all anyway. Kidding aside, the product was put out by Veldt - a Tokyo-based company and is actually part of a government program to encourage relocation of people to the rural Tottori prefecture.

This western territory is the lowest densely populated area of Japan and with over 13,600,000 people living in the Tokyo metropolis as of July last year, it really makes sense to try and relocate as many people as possible, to ensure a better standard of living. The government initiative in question is a short stay program in Tottori. Each family that decides to take part in it and move out of an overcrowded metropolis is given a Tottori West Family Time Watch.

The idea is that participants can see how much of a difference the change has on family dynamics. As long as a child wearing the beacon is within 30 meters of the watch, time is being tracked, which will likely make the wearer feel better about the potentially life-changing decision to abandon the big city.

Besides the unique time tracking feature, the Tottori West Family Time Watch also sweetens the deal with traditional features, like email and social media notifications, step and sleep tracking. Other than that, it mostly looks like a classic timepiece.

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