Likely Objectives Questions And Answers Government 2017/2018 WAEC & NECO


Here WAEC/NECO Government Likely Objectives Questions And Answers 2017/2018 examination

1.Confederal system of government means
A Weak centre and powerful component units
B Powerful centre and powerful component units
C Weak component units and weak centre
D Powerful centre and weak component units
Confederal system of government means Weak centre and powerful component units.

2.The primary aim of any political party is to
A. Remain in the opposition
B. Control the government
C. Ensure fair play in business
D Pressurise the government
The aim of political party is to control the government.SURE WAEC RUNS

3.Politics is practically demonstrated during
A Parliamentary debates
B Formation of political parties
C Inter-party consultative meetings
D Electioneering campaigns
Politics has been defined as “who” gets “what” and “how” politicians display their skill, determination to winning elections during electioneering campaign. This makes them do different things for this purpose.SURE WAEC RUNS

4.One of the prominent West African nationalist leaders was
A Jomo Kenyatta
B S.L. Akintola
C Sekou Toure
D Kwame Nkrumah
Kwame Nkrumah of GhanaSURE WAEC RUNS

5.The Secretary-General of the United Nations Organisation (UNO) is appointed for a period of
A Five years
B Seven years
C Nine years
D Three years
It is a 5 years renewable (traditionally limited to 2 terms).SURE WAEC RUNS

6. In a federal system of government, the power shared between the central and state government is known as
A Exclusive power
B Concurrent power
C Judicial power
D Legislative power
Concurrent power.SURE WAEC RUNS

7. Which of the following cannot be altered by a military coup d’etat? The
A Legal System
B Legislature
C State
D Constitution
No military coup d’etat can alter a state.SURE WAEC RUNS

8. The most visible feature of a state is
A Defined geographical territory
B Written constitution
C Sovereign power
D Compulsory membership
Defined geographical territory is the most visible feature of a state.SURE WAEC RUNS

9.Fundamental human rights are entrenched in constitutions purposely to
A Guarantee the liberty of citizens
B Promote good governance
C Promote trade
D Ensure freedom of speech
Guarantee the liberty of citizens.SURE WAEC RUNS

10.The organ of government responsible for the implementation of policies in a state is the
A Judiciary
B Executive
C Public Bureau
D Legislature

11.Citizenship can be acquired through all of the following methods except
A Naturalisation
B Nationalisation
C Marriage
D Birth
Nationalization is not a method of acquiring citizenship.SURE WAEC RUNS

12. Diplomatic and parliamentary put limitations on
A Checks and balances
B Separation of powers
C Foreign policies
D The rule of law
Dipomatic and parliamentary put limitation on the principle of equality under the rule of law.SURE WAEC RUNS

13.Which of the following is a condition for granting citizenship to a foreigner?
A registered member of a political party
B Possession of a university degree
C Possession of an international passport
D Swearing an oath of allegiance
The International Passport is a synonymy of national identity someone holds or possesses the international passport of his/her nationality.SURE WAEC RUNS

14.Which of the following is a condition for granting citizenship to a foreigner?
A registered member of a political party
B Possession of a university degree
C Possession of an international passport D 0 Swearing an oath of allegiance
The International Passport is a synonymy of national identity someone holds or possesses the international passport of his/her nationality.SURE WAEC RUNS

15. The practice of multi-party system in West Africa tends to promote
A .Social discrimination
B National integration
C Economic integration
D Sectionalism and factionalism
Social discrimination.SURE WAEC RUNS

16. Which of the following is a function of pressure groups?
A Serve as avenue for political victimization
B Protect the interest of the government
C Provide forum for the ventilation of grievances
D Represent and protect the rich Ne Explanation Pressure group provide forum for demonstration of grievances.SURE WAEC RUNS

17. The prerogative power resides with the
A National assembly
B Executive
C Civil organisation
D Ombudsman
Prerogation of Mercy is the power vested on the head of executive to grand pardon to a condemned citizen/ criminal.SURE WAEC RUNS

18.’Casting vote’ was one of the ways the Governor In British West Africa controlled the
A Native authority
B Colonial secretary
C Legislative council
D Colonial treasure
The colonial Governor of British West Africa controlled the legislative council through “Casting Vote”.SURE WAEC RUNS

19. Franchise is the right to
A Vote and be voted for
B Control the government
C Ensure good governance
D Express political views
It is the right to express political views.SURE WAEC RUNS

20. Representative democracy is characterised by
A Representation of the poor only
B A politically educated elite
C Rule of the interest groups
D Free election and proper register of voters
Free election and proper register of voters.SURE WAEC RUNS

21. An election held to fill a vacant post in the legislature due to the death or resignation of a member is called
A Bye-election
B Electoral college
C Primary election
D Run-off election
Bye-election is an election held to fill a vacant post.SURE WAEC RUNS

22. Public opinion on the performance of the government is best measured by
A The mass media
B General elections
C Parliamanetary debates
D Military strength
General election is the best way of measuring the performance of the government and the popularity of it.SURE WAEC RUNS

23. A constitution that can be amended through ordinary law making process is said to be
A Flexible
B Unwritten
c Rigid
D Written
Unwritten constitution.SURE WAEC RUNS

24. In the pre-colonial African political system, the function of the kingmakers were performed by
A Special people
B Women
C Council of elders
D Age grades
The function of kingmakers was perform by the council of elder during the pre-colonial period. Example is the
Oyomesi of the Oyo-kingdom.SURE WAEC RUNS

25. Public opinion is defined as the
A Reaction of pressure groups
B Sentiments of opposition parties
C Consesus of the mass media
D Aggregate views of the people
Aggregate views of the people.SURE WAEC RUNS

26. Which of the following was the first print media used by nationalists to oppose colonialism in the British West Africa?
A Guardian Newspaper
B Daily Times
C West African Pilot
D Daily News
The first print media used by nationalist to oppose(the) colonialism in British West Africa was the West African Pilot.SURE WAEC RUNS

27. Quick decision making is an advantage of
A Republicanism
B Constitutionalis
C Federalism
D Unicameralism
Unicameralism one chamber of legislature. It enables quick decision making as there is no need for long processes or
consultations.SURE WAEC RUNS

28. The administrative structure adopted in the French colonial territories was
A For the development of African culture
B Focused mainly on traditional rulers
C Favourable to the African age grades
D More of a centralised administration
A more centralized administrative structure was adopted in the French colonial territory with the headquarters in
France.SURE 2017/2017 JAMB RUNS

29. Laws promulgated by a military government are called
A 6 Proclamations
B Acts
C Decrees
D Bills
The name of laws made by a military government is called “decrease”.SURE 2017/2017 JAMB RUNS

30.The method in which a group of people are interviewed on a specific political issue is called
A Opinion sampling
B Individual speech
C Individual writing
D Referendum
It is called opinion sampling.SURE 2017/2017 JAMB RUNS

31.The origin of the Commonwealth of Nations can be traced to
A Sovereignty of states
B World economic order
C Equality of states
D Colonial ties
The idea of commonwealth of Nations is to enhance and facilitate colonial ties.SURE 2017/2017 JAMB RUNS

32. The conferment of citizenship on a distinguished personality of another country is called
A Citizenship by registration
B Honorary citizenship
C Adoption
D Citizenship by birth
Honorary citizens is when a person is conferred with the citizenship of another country or a country on the basis of
his [her contribution to the development of the country.SURE 2017/2017 JAMB RUNS

33. Which of the following is a feature of the Civil Service?
A Temporary tenure
B Impartiality
C Political activism
D Disloyalty
Impartiality is a feature.SURE 2017/2017 JAMB RUNS

34. The first black African to hold the position of UN Secretary-General was
A Nelson Mandela
B Kofi Annan
C Emeka Anyaoku
D Salim Ahmed Salim
Kofi Annan of Ghana was the first black Africa to hold the position of the UN Secretary-General.SURE 2017/2017 JAMB RUNS

35. Which of the following countries operates an unwritten constitution?
A Britain
B Canada
D Japan
Britain operates an Unwritten constitution as the laws can be found in different set & of documents.SURE 2017/2017 JAMB RUNS

36. Colonialism is defined as the
A Struggle against foreign domination
B Imposition of foreign rule on a territory
C Poljtical struggle for independence
D Economic dependence on developed nations
Colonialism is simply the imposition of foreign rule on a country. Examples are Indirect rule of Britain in Nigeria,
Assimilation of France in Senegal, Aparthaid of Britain in South Africa etc.SURE 2017/2017 JAMB RUNS

37. Which of the following best defines government as an institution of the state?
A An institution established for class struggle
B The art through which political parties are managed
C Machinery established for exercising political power
D A process of organizing societal values
It is the political direction and control exercised over the actions of the members, citizens, or inhabitants of
communities, societies, and states; direction of the affairs of a state, community, etc.SURE 2017/2017 JAMB RUNS

38. The set of attitudes and beliefs that determine that behaviour of citizens in a political system is called
A Socialisation
B Devolution
C Political culture
D Representation government
Political culture is everything that educates citizens about their political awareness.SURE 2017/2017 JAMB RUNS

39. Which of the following party systems best represents all shades of opinions?
A Multi-party
B Elite party
C Two-party
D One-party
Multi-party system is believed to represent all shades of opinion as it makes available diverse programmes.SURE 2017/2017 JAMB RUNS

40.The Pan-African Movements emerged as a result of
A African cultural heritage
B The growth of socialism in Europe
C European racial domination
D The formation of the African Union
Pan-African movement emerged as a result of the need to unite Africans.SURE 2017/2017 JAMB RUNS

41. A manifesto can be defined as the
A Opportunity to form a political party
B Power to rule the masses
C Proposed programmes of a political party
D Policy of a political party in power
Proposed programmes of a political party.SURE 2017/2017 JAMB RUNS

42. Which of the following exists in a one-party state?
A Only the workers’ party is allowed to exist
B The ruling party is the only legal party
C Only the students’ party is allowed to exist
D Elections to the legislature are held at the party’s conference
The ruling party is the only legal party.SURE 2017/2017 JAMB RUNS

43. The following are the aims of an election except that
A A group sticks on to power
B The people determine who rules
C There is accountablity of the leaders
D There is a smooth change of government
Election is one of the ways through which transition of government is done.SURE 2017/2017 JAMB RUNS

44. A citizen is an individual who
A. Has the legal and political rights in a country
B Enjoys immunity in the country
C Has lived in a country for sometime
D Enjoys only economic rights
A citizens is a legal members of a society in which he has the citizenship.SURE 2017/2017 JAMB RUNS

45. Montesquieu’s political theory of separation of powers was meant to
A Promote unity in government
B Enhance state security
C Prevent dictatorial rule
D Ensure social justice
Prevent dictatorial rule.SURE 2017/2017 JAMB RUNS

46. Which of the following is a reason for studying government?
A Knowledge of the rights of the individual
B Enables citizens to vote during elections
C Acquisition of skills to work in a state-owned industry
D Helps the individual to form a pressure group
The study of government enables us to know our rights.SURE 2017/2017 JAMB RUNS

47. The major source of local government revenue is
A Donations
B Grants from the central authority
C Income from investments
D Loans from finance institutions
The bulk of the local government revenue is from the federal government.SURE 2017/2017 JAMB RUNS

48. The French policy of assimilation was based on the assumption that African culture was
A Expensive
B Superior
C Inferior
D Unpopular
Assimilation of the French colonial policy was based on the assumption that Africans are inferior.SURE 2017/2017 JAMB RUNS

49. The Civil Service is an administrative institution of
A .The executive arm of government
B A business enterprise
C Public corporations
D Para-military organisation
The executive arm of government.SURE 2017/2017 JAMB RUNS

50. Which of the following systems of governments operates on the principles of checks and balances?
A Theocracy
B Monarchical
C Presidential
D Parliamentary
Presidential system of government operates on the platform of checks and balances as a result of separation of
powers.SURE 2017/2017 JAMB RUNS

WAEC/NECO Government Likely Theory Questions And Answers 2017/2018

1a. Explain constitutionalism
Constitution is the fundamental laws, principles, customs, convention rules and regulations according to which the government of a country or an organization operates.
Constitutionalism on the other hand is the extent to which those in power adhere to the provision of the constitution.
This means that the activities of government and its officials should be in line with the provision of the constitution.

1b. State four factors that can promote constitutionalism
Impartial Judicial system
There must be check and balance
There must be rule of law
The constitution must be supreme
Fundamental human right must be respected.

2a. What is separation of power?
Separation of Power can be defined as the separation or division of political powers and functions among the three arms of government i.e. The executive, legislature and judiciary. i.e. Each arms of Government should work independently, without interference from other arms. For example, the executive should be solely involved in policy making and implementation or execution. Also that no arm of government should be allowed to perform more than one function to avoid tyranny victimisation and oppression of the citizens. Because power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely

3. Define parliamentarianism
It is a system whereby the head of state is different from the head of government and the legislative and executive power are fused.

3b. Identify four differences between parliamentary and presidential system of government
The ministers are individually responsible to the presidential system while fusion of power is practiced in the cabinent system.
The minister are individually responsible to the president and for their actions while the principle of collective responsibility is used in the cabinet system
-The president and his ministers are not members of the legislature in the presidential system but the prime minister and his ministers are members of the parliament
The president can be removed through the process of impeachment by the legislature while the prime minister and his cabinet can be removed through a vote of no confidence by the parliament.


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