Free Waec 2017 Biology Obj And Theory Answers – May/June Expo

Free Waec 2017 Biology Obj And Theory Answers – May/June Expo


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Classification of living things is the way in which all living things are placed into larger and larger groups or catetories that share similarities and a common ancestry.

Carl Linnaeus

i)It allows scientists to identify, group, and properly name organisms via a standardized system
ii)to make it easier to study and understand their behaviors,
iii)To study evolutionary progression of millions of life forms


i)they can reproduce
ii)they can mutate

i)they do not carry out metabolism on their own hence they do not grow
ii)they contain no cytoplasm or cellular organelles

i)mosaic disease of cassava
ii)swollen shoot disease of cocoa

i)human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
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i)They catalyse reactions by lowering the activation energy of a reaction
ii)They are regenerated after each reaction
iii)They are substrate specific, hence only molecules which are complementary to their shape can bind to it.
iv)They aid in metabolism(anabolism and catabolism)

-Pancreatic lipase

i)maltae act
ii)lipase act

i)it converts fat and oil to fatty acids and glycerol
ii)it converts starch to maltose

Chlorophyll is necessary to absorb the radiant energy of the sun to synthesize sugar during photosynthesis


i)Magnessium —}Yellowing of leaves and poor growth
ii)Iron—}Yellowing of leaves and poor growth.

i)Take a freshly plucked green leaf and boil it for about 5minutes to kill the cells of the leaf and to burst the starch grains in the cells of the leaf
ii)Boil the boiled leaf in ethanol to remove the chlorophyll(i.e.decolourizes)
iii)Dip the decolourized leaf in warm water to soften it
iv)Wash the leaf in tap water to remove traces of ethanol in it
v)Pour iodine solution on it and allow to stand for some minutes
vi)If the leaf turns blue-black,it contains starch
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3 i)
Commensalism is a type of relationship where one of the organisms benefits greatly from the symbiosis. The other is not helped but is not harmed or damaged from the relationship. In other words, this is a one-sided symbiotic relationship.

3 ii)
In parasitism, one organism benefits from the relationship but at the expense of the other. The organism may live inside the other’s body or on its surface.
In some of these parasitic relationships the host dies and in others, it is important that the host remain alive.

3 iii)
In parasitism, one organism benefits from the relationship but at the expense of the other.
The organism may live inside the other’s body or on its surface. In some of these parasitic relationships the host dies and in others, it is important that the host remain alive.
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4a)draw the diagram between mother and father,under it write their possible blood group of the father are blood group A,Bor O

-Adaptive colouration
-Adaptive behaviour

-in order to invite are another for food or mate
-in order to alert or prevent one another against threat to life.

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The odorous molecules come into contact with the olfactory epithelium at the top of the nasal cavity and stimulate multiple chemically cell receptors and thus the odour is transmitted to the brain. There after the brain interprets the type of smell.


autotrophs are organisms that can synthesizes food from inorganic substances by using chemical energy or light

ii)Unicellular algae

i)providing leadership on matters critical to health
ii)shaping the research agenda and stimulating the generation
iii)translation and dissemination of valuable knowledge
iv)setting norms and standards
v)promoting and monitoring their implementation

i)plants: Water Wisteria and Java Moss.
ii)Animals: catfish and earthworm

In tabular form
-Mammalian skin-
i)It has melanin
ii)It has sweat pores
iii)Does not show photosynthesis
iv)It composes of animal cells
v)It is touch receptive
-Plant epidermis-
i)It has chlorophyll
ii)It has stomata
iii)It shows photosynthesis
iv)It is composed of plant cells
v)It is not touch receptive

i)Intra specific competition

i)Inter specific competition

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